Curious Cars of the Commonwealth

Many Commonwealth countries are car makers, some on a massive scale. Find out the lesser-known brands and models – the ‘curious cars of the Commonwealth’.

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Motorists Are Leaving Cars Unattended While Defrosting – 2023 Study Shows

It’s a difficult time for motorists. The fuel crisis has sent prices skyrocketing, leaving some drivers to refuel at petrol stations before driving off without paying.

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International Women’s Day - We Celebrate 5 Pioneers In The Car World

In spirit of International Women's Day, automotive journalist Brown Car Guy has identified the 5 women who deserve to be celebrated as pioneers in the car world.

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The £2 Billion Wasted by UK Motorists on Car Servicing

Service & MOT are two bookings that will help keep your car running safely, reliably, and affordably. But did you know this one quick tip that could save you money?

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Renting Out Your Driveway: Everything You Need To Know

Got a parking space, and could do with some extra income? Here’s everything you need to know about renting out your parking space.

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How reliable is your car? Tell What Car? and win tickets to Goodwood.

The annual What Car? Reliability Survey, sponsored by MotorEasy, is officially open and ready to record the views of the Great British public. Enter for your chance to win a pair of tickets to the Goodwood Members’ Meeting, worth more than £150.

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Does Your Car Have Fraudulent Mileage?

Mileage clocking is still fairly common in the second-hand car market. Cars with lower mileage command a higher price so sellers can clock cars to make vehicles appear more valuable. For buyers though, cars with mileage fraud often result in costly repair work and unwanted surprises.

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